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Benefits of Shower Filters

In homes across the country, shower filters effectively remove chlorine and heavy metals from water, making it safer and more pleasant to shower in. In addition to improving the quality of your shower water, using a filter can also have several other benefits.

Here are the primary benefits that you can enjoy by using a shower filter:

1. Helps Reduce Chlorine Sensitivity

Whether you have a KDF, carbon, or Vitamin C filter, all types of shower filters work to reduce the amount of chlorine in your water. This is important because exposure to chlorine can cause skin irritation, dryness, and flaking.

The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology classifies this as an “irritant dermatitis” caused by the hypersensitivity to this natural irritant.

By using a shower filter, most people will enjoy softer, more hydrated skin less susceptible to irritation. The reason is that a shower filter can remove 99% of the chlorine in your water, which can make a big difference for people sensitive to this compound.

2. Reduces the Risk of Developing Cancer

We’re always quite cautious regarding cancer claims, especially since it is outside our area of expertise. However, this peer-reviewed study stated the following:

Published reports have revealed an increased risk of colorectal cancers in people exposed to chlorinated drinking water or chemical derivatives of chlorination.

While this is specifically linked to drinking water rather than water for bathing, it’s worth mentioning as shower filters remove chlorine from your water.

Another paper by the Water Quality Association states that trihalomethanes (THMs) are “responsible for as many as 2-17 percent of the bladder cancers diagnosed each year in the United States.”

3. May Help Prevent Dry, Damaged Hair

If you have dry, damaged, or colored hair, using a shower filter can help to protect your locks. This is because chlorine is known to strip away natural oils, leaving hair dry, brittle, and more susceptible to damage.

The reduction in dryness could also help prevent mild dandruff from an overly dry scalp.

4. May Help Reduce the Risk of Asthma

While more research is needed in this area, some studies have shown a correlation between chlorine exposure and an increased risk of developing asthma.

A 2008 study found that children exposed to chlorinated water, such as swimming pools, had a greater chance of developing asthma. However, “important data gaps” still need to be filled, and additional studies are needed (source).

5. Convenient and Easy to Use

Installing a shower filter is a quick and easy process that anyone can do, regardless of their plumbing knowledge. In most cases, you need to unscrew the showerhead, screw on the filter, and reattach the showerhead – these are in-line shower filters.

On the other hand, showerhead filters feature the filter in the showerhead itself for a more seamless look. These are also easy to install, as you need to screw on the new showerhead.

Both types of filters are designed for convenience and easy use, so you can start enjoying the benefits of filtered water with minimal effort.

Lastly, they can be easily used in either a home or apartment.

6. Cost-Effective Way to Improve Shower Water Quality

Investing in a shower filter is a cost-effective way to improve the quality of your shower water. Rather than installing a whole-home filtration system, filtering the water at the source, also known as point-of-use filtration, is a more affordable solution.

7. Enjoy Peace of Mind

When you use a shower filter, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you’re doing everything possible to protect your health. Not only will you be reducing your exposure to harmful chemicals, but you’ll also be improving the quality of your shower water.

This, in turn, can lead to softer, more hydrated skin and hair – giving you one less thing to worry about.

A Note on Chloramines

Aside from chlorine, water treatment facilities also use chloramines to disinfect water. These are formed when ammonia is added to chlorine. Chloramines are relatively stable and can last much longer, leading to better disinfection.

Shower filters aren’t as effective at removing chloramines as they are with chlorine. Water would need to be more heavily filtered to filter out this chemical compound, resulting in a low flow rate.

As a result, many shower filters don’t remove chloramines. However, if you’re only concerned with chlorine removal, most shower filters will do the job just fine.

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Mark Williams

Mark Williams is a renowned author and expert in the field of shower filters, with an extensive background in plumbing. With over 20 years of experience, Mark has dedicated his career to helping people improve their water quality and overall well-being by providing reliable and efficient shower filtration solutions.

Before embarking on his writing journey, Mark honed his skills as a certified plumber, working on numerous residential and commercial projects. His vast knowledge and experience in plumbing have given him a deep understanding of water filtration systems, making him a highly sought-after authority in the industry.

Mark's passion for water quality and filtration led him to pursue a successful writing career, focusing on shower filters. In his work, he shares valuable insights on the latest technology, installation techniques, and maintenance tips, empowering homeowners, contractors, and fellow industry professionals seeking advice on shower filtration systems.